Теремок II

для детей от 3-x до 5 лет

Теремок II

для детей от 3-x до 5 лет



Мы знакомим детей с целостной картиной мира. В процессе ознакомления с окружающим миром происходит общее и речевое развитие детей.


Целью работы в этом направлении является развитие умений говорения, слушания,чтения (слияние звуков в слоги, в слова), интереса к собственной речи и речи окружающих, обогащения словаря и грамматического строя речи.


Целью риторики - мы видим обучение ребенка культуре речевого поведения, развитие умения ориентироваться в разных речевых ситуациях, что впоследствии поможет ему комфортно чувствовать себя в общении со сверстниками, легко вступать в диалог, внимательно слушать собеседника,аргументировать свою точку зрения.


Целью занятий по физической культуре мы видим приобщение ребенка к основам здорового образа жизни, освоение им культуры движения; формирование интереса к активной двигательной деятельности и потребности в физическом самосовершенствовании, получение удовольствия от игр, движений, упражнений.


Целью введения в художественную литературу является приучение к чтению, привитие детям интереса к художественной литературе, знакомство с ее различными жанрами и формами; развитие эмоционального отклика на произведение, поступки персонажей, передача своего отношения к ним.


Целью занятий по музыке, рисованию и художественному труду является создание целостности образа мира, развитие воображения ребенка, знакомство с различными видами искусства.


Ознакомление детей с разными областями математической действительности: с количеством и счётом, измерением и сравнением величин, пространственными и временными ориентировками.


Помогает выработать у детей позитивный настрой к языку, стремление понимать незнакомые слова и фразы, обеспечивает лёгкий переход к общению на английском языке.


Занятия по шахматам повышают внимательность, укрепляют память, развивают логическое мышление ребёнка.


Развитие координации движений, укрепление основных мышц, развитие музыкальных способностей, а также пластичности и выразительности движений.

режим дня

  • 8-00 - 9-00

    Утренний приём (игры и индивидуальные занятия с детьми).

  • 9-00 - 9-15


  • 9-15 - 9-45

    Подготовка к завтраку. Завтрак.

  • 9-45 - 9-50


  • 9-50 - 10-20

    Игры-занятия (по подгруппам)
    математика / развитие речи / музыка / английский язык.

  • 10-20 - 10-40

    Предметная деятельность.

  • 10-40 - 10-50

    Второй завтрак (овощи + фрукты).

  • 10-50 - 11-00


  • 11-00 - 12-15


  • 12-15 - 1-00

    Подготовка к обеду. Обед.

  • 1-00 - 1-15

    Туалет. Подготовка ко сну.

  • 1-15- 3-30


  • 3-30 - 4-00

    Постепенный подъём.
    Оздоровительные и гигиенические процедуры, туалет.

  • 4-00 - 4-30

    Игры + занятия.
    Рисование / лепка / апликация / чтение книг.

  • 4-30 - 5-00


  • 5-00 - 6-00

    Предметная деятельность. Прогулка. Уход домой.



12-24 месяцев

1-4 раз в неделю


12-24 месяцев

5 раз в неделю



1-4 раз в неделю


от 2 лет

или брат/сестра в саду​

5 раз в неделю


Теремок I

короткий день
8 AM to 1 PM


Теремок II

короткий день
8 AM to 2 PM


Tuition is due for all days including public holidays, sick and snow days during which the child does not attend the center.  This policy applies to children who attend the center full or part time. If a part time child does not attend the center on scheduled dates, there will be no “free make up” days offered.
One tuition-free vacation week can be taken during the school year. If longer vacation time is taken during school year and parents not willing to cover tuition on the missing days, the spot will be offered to a child on the waiting list. During the summer break (July 2nd – August 31st) parents can take unlimited number of vacation days tuition-free with advance approval.  
Any attendance schedule changes require prior administration approval with at least two weeks
 notice so the center can adjust teachers schedules as well as classroom assignments. This is done to secure the child’s placement at the center.

Tuition is subject to change with 30 days written notice.

New Year
Presidents Day                                 
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday after Thanksgiving Day

If the snow emergency announced for the city or state and public schools are closed, the center will be closed as well. Days canceled due to snow or other emergency are non-refundable.

Tuition can be paid by a personal check or cash. The Invoice are issued a week prior the new month starts. The tuition is due on the 1st day of each month. You can choose to pay for one or more months at your convenience. Each invoice has a due date. Late fee applied to all invoices not paid by the due date at $3 a day, until it is paid in full.

Deposit of two weeks tuition has to be paid at the start and delivered with the signed contract.  This deposit covers the last two weeks of day care attendance in case the contract terminated.   If you terminate the contract by not attending the Day Care in the middle of the school year (from September until July) deposit will not be returned.

If tuition payment is late and not paid by invoice due date, it will be deducted from security deposit, which will need to be replenished.

The center closes at 6 pm. All parents and children must be out of the building by 6 pm. Pick up should be planned so the parents have time to speak to the teachers about their childs day, collect belongings and leave center at 6 pm.

Parents who do not pick up and leave the center with their children by 6 pm will be charged $5 late fee for the first five minutes and $10 for each additional five minutes thereof. The fee must be paid on the day of occurrence in cash or check to the teacher who stayed with the child.  If the fee is not paid within a week, it will be deducted from security deposit, which will need to be replenished.

You can drop your child off anytime from 8 AM to 9 AM.

You can park in front of the house and along the street, and come in through the main (not the back) entrance. Please do not block neighbor’s driveways.

Dismissal will be different for each child depending on the hours; for full day attendees you should pick up your child preferably after 5:30 PM but no later than 6 PM.  In the spring/summer time if the weather is nice, we may be playing in the back yard  so please pick up or drop off your child there.

If your child is late for any reason or sick and not attending, you must let the provider know as soon as possible and not later than 8 AM on the day of the attendance.  

We only allow one parent at the time to enter the classroom to make sure that the activities are not disrupted for other children.We strongly encourage parents not to gather in groups or create traffic during pick up or drop off on the premises or surrounding area.

If your child is going to be absent on the scheduled day (sick, appointments, etc.), parents required to inform the center about it before 9 am.

If you have routine questions, please use email to teremokw@verizon.net. We can only answer your questions during the business hours when we are not teaching to make sure the proper supervision to the rest of the group is not affected. The progress evaluation will be performed twice a year. We can schedule parent/teacher conference at your request to discuss child’s progress.

If you child has had fever within 24 hours, he/she cannot attend on that day. Please use your judgment and dont bring your child in with a severe cold, especially cough.  If your child develops a fever or vomits during the day, you will be asked to pick your child up within an hour.  All medications need to be delivered to the provider and properly labeled with your childs name and administering instructions. You will be asked to complete medication administration form for each medication left at the day care.

You will need to bring a note from pediatrician stating that your child has had all the required immunizations and listing all health related issues that the provider needs to be aware of. Children with major illnesses cannot attend Teremok Day Care.

If at any circumstances, the child becomes ill at our care, we reserve the right to determine if the child needs to be isolated from the rest of the group as  a precaution to prevent the illness to spread this includes fever, cough, suspicious rashes, etc. (please refer to health care requirements in Parent’s handbook). In this case the parents will be notified via phone and the child will have to leave our care as soon as possible.

Children should be dressed appropriately for the weather and the outdoor activities.  Please keep in mind that we do plan to go outside everyday.  Your child has to have the following:  1-change of clothing, 2-change of shoes (either sneakers or slippers), 3-bedding including sheets, pillow with pillowcase and a small blanket, 4-supply of diapers for the day, if your child is not toilet trained yet.  All this has to be packed in a knapsack and labeled with your childs name.   Your child can bring his/her favorite toy that can only be used for the nap time.  Candy, cookies, chewing gum, etc. are not allowed.

Parents have to provide all relevant information about the child  allergies, favorite and not favorite foods, special character traits and habits.  Parents also need to provide information on their place of work and phone numbers as well as contact name and phone number in cases of emergency when the parents cannot be reached.

During the summer (from May to October) we require all children to bring and keep at the center sunscreen and bug sprays labeled individually.

1. New Year
2. Presidents Day
3. Memorial Day
4. Independence Day
5. Labor Day
6. Columbus Day
7. Thanksgiving Day
8. Friday after Thanksgiving Day
9. Christmas

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